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Professional Services

Communicating your value proposition as business to business service provider is a difficult task in a world of "always on" competition.

At Duo we've helped a variety of professional service providers to explain what they do and what makes them unique in a way in which both readers and search engines take notice.

Read on to discover some of the key tools we use to deploy your message in an engaging, easy to update and search engine friendly way.

Engaging Message

Engaging messages professionally presented can help reassure your potential customers that you are a well established and competent supplier. 

Mobysoft offer a range of software to help landlords and housing associations manage rent arrears. The HTML5 animation used on their front page is readable by both visitors to the site and search engines. This, along with the professional design and well written copy, helps to encourage visitors to the site to seek more information and become Mobysoft's next customer.

At the time of writing Mobysoft come top in google's organic search results for 'rent arrears software'

Feature Blocks

It's too easy for users to get lost in large blocks of text which are possibly irrelevant to what they're looking for. Once lost, they'll give up and move on. To help users to get where they need to be, main pages work best when they have simple and clear graphics driving them to specific content. We typically encourage our customers to try and present their company in 3-4 key messages which they can then elaborate upon once the site visitor has clicked through.

Easyroute is a nice example of how we've used bold graphics to engage with both new and existing customers, highlighting features of their products in a simple and easy to understand way.

Onsite Search

Finding content quickly can be a major benefit to many sites. Although our sites are search engine friendly, specific information is much easier to find within a site with a specialised search.

Adele Carr Financial Recruitment is a nice example of this.
The site has an inbuilt job search with a clear and easy to use interface, this scans a database to show matching jobs based on entered job criteria ( location, job type, salary band etc ).


Examples of Our Professional Services Website Design

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