We've Moved!

We've moved office on Friday the 5th of October 2018

Don't worry, we've not gone far, just a quick 10 minute walk around the corner to the lovely Urban Splash development of the 'Schoolhouse'. With our increasing amount of work done within the education sector it seemed quite apt to be moving to trendy offices which were once an old victorian school.

Why The Schoolhouse?

Moving round the corner gets us a much bigger office allowing us to grow Duo and our team more easily, but importantly gives us a bit more space for our pool table : ) 

With onsite parking for staff and customers it becomes much easier for everyone to visit us. A contract with fixed rate increase in rent over the next five years give us greater stability allowing us to more easily plan for the future. All in all it was an opportunity we couldn't turn down.

Why Now?

We have always focused on delivering great solutions and value for our clients. So after 5 years in glossy Media City it has become difficult for us to continue justifying the escalating costs of being based in such a sought after location. As a web development agency, our primary source of income are the fees we charge to our customers and raising these inline with recent rent increases of around 20% would reduce our ability to be as competitive in this sector. In addition to increased costs, our floor of the building is about to undergo a refurbishment, so either way we would have seen disruption. So despite the short term upheaval, we're packing up and moving round the corner.

How Will This Effect Our Customers?

All of our websites, applications and online services are hosted in data centres. Our main 0845 number is transferable to our new phone system and all of our computers are encrypted, with offsite backups of all of our work. So the only customer impact is slightly less responsiveness than normal on the day we move - 5th Oct.

However we'll still be contactable via email on our phones and we'll have laptops on hand if we need to attend to anything in an emergency.


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